GoldMine - easy to use!
Updated March 03, 2020

GoldMine - easy to use!

Justin Moore | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 2 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with GoldMine

GoldMine is currently being used by only the admissions department at our university. The university as a whole utilizes a different program that does not function as a Customer Relationship Management system. GoldMine allows our team to track and maintain all information with students we are recruiting and counselling as they make their decision for college. It allows us to set reminders to contact, see all contact history in one place, and see progress toward matriculation.


  • History - All items related to each individual are easily accessible in one spot
  • Succinct - All information pertaining to each student/client is available in one spot, or with very few clicks
  • Updates - GoldMine can be set to update as often as needed, which is especially useful when information is being migrated from another system


  • GoldMine itself can be a little hard to use if editing the information within the program is not enabled. This comes into play if the main information storage is another system that is migrated to GoldMine
  • Third party apps or software can be complicated to be moved into GoldMine history. It is possible, but requires some upkeep and maintenance.
  • GoldMine takes A LOT of expertise to set up. If set up incorrectly by a bad representative, then it can affect the overall usage of the program in significant ways. Make sure you ask the Goldmine rep several questions and get recommendations for the rep as well as the product.
  • GoldMine has allowed our team of 15 to see immediately what impact we have on recruiting students - specifically we can track calls and messages
  • We can communicate more effectively and with more authority to students as we can be confident of what has been done for them in the past and immediately see what items they may have outstanding, with very few clicks (if any at all)
  • GoldMine allows our team to make changes to a student record in a user-friendly format and updates the record immediately. This ensures that incorrect information does not go out.
Our university still utilizes Banner, which requires us to have information stored there and migrate it to GoldMine twice per day. Banner is NOT user-friendly, but our set up makes it more robust than GoldMine. GoldMine makes information available with fewer clicks and puts it in a better format as well.
We use GoldMine for customer (student) tracking toward college enrolment and it works perfectly for our scenario. We can track a student's process from before applying all the way through moving onto campus, no matter how long that process takes. GoldMine can log calls and messages in real time so that multiple users can see contact history immediately, which is largely beneficial for larger teams.


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