Google Classroom keeps students and teachers engaged!
May 03, 2018

Google Classroom keeps students and teachers engaged!

alise gold | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Google Classroom

I use Google Classroom in all of the classes that I teach. At the beginning of each school year, I add all of my students (using their school provided emails) to our virtual classroom. This is the best place for me to post assignments and announcements. Students can also turn in homework, ask questions, fill out surveys. It keeps everything organized in one central location! Many of our teachers use it in their classrooms.


  • Helps teachers communicate with entire classes
  • Helps teachers communicate with specific groups of students
  • Allows me to schedule posts for future dates and times


  • Allowing me to edit a post and while editing, add another class to post it into.
  • Allow students to edit work that has been turned in, without "un" turning it in
  • Helps kids stay organized
  • Keeps them engaged
  • Allows teachers to collaborate more efficiently
We tried Weebly as a form of posting assignments and communications, but Google Classroom works way better! It's easier to use and manage and the kids are much more comfortable. They also just know how to use Google and can navigate the website. They love using it and enjoy it!
It is great for schools in which the students all have email addresses provided by the school. It is also helpful if the students have devices to use in the classroom so that they can work in google docs and classroom during school also.


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