An era of MYSQL !!!
June 07, 2016

An era of MYSQL !!!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with MySQL

I started out using MySQL when I was first playing around with web applications that required a database back-end. It works well and is generally pretty fast. I've since switched to using PostgreSQL for most of my development, but I still use MySQL pretty heavily for a number of projects. Would definitely recommend either one as a free and powerful database server as needed, depending on your environment.
MySQL simply works and works well. It is exactly as described: a robust, relational DB which scales nicely to 100s of millions of rows. Plus, many web developers are.


  • MySQL is very easy to install, and thanks to a bevy of third-party tools that can be added to the database, setting up an implementation is a relatively simple task. In addition, it’s also an easy database to work with.
  • The general apprehension was that Oracle would change the device into a shut, restrictive environment. Thankfully, however Oracle has fixed its hold on MySQL to some degree, it can even now be viewed as an open-source database choice, as the code is still accessible for nothing on the web.
  • Despite the fact that MySQL's ubiquity has wound down to some degree as of late, it stays a standout amongst the most-utilized database frameworks as a part of the world.


  • It Suffers From Relatively Poor Performance Scaling
  • As anyone might expect, MySQL isn't intended to do everything (nor if it be). The database isn't completely SQL-consistent, and has a tendency to be restricted in ranges including information warehousing, adaptation to non-critical failure, and execution diagnostics (among others).
  • MySQL does not support check constraints.
  • MySQL does not support a very large database size as efficiently.
  • MySQL Workbench pulls together nearly every MySQL task and crams them all into one easy to use graphical interface.
  • These standout features keep MySQL different : Advanced find tool,Multiple MySQL connections (both local and remote)
  • The MySQL Workbench is an amazing single-point of contact for MySQL administrators, which can handle tasks both locally and remotely.

MySQL offers remarkable brisk begin ability with the normal time from programming download to establishment finish being under fifteen minutes.

Once introduced, self-administration highlights like programmed space development, auto-restart, and dynamic design changes take a great part of the weight off as of now exhausted database chairmen.

MySQL is about adaptability and decision. Clients can run MySQL on every single significant stage, and to compose applications in all well known dialect

MySQL is a demonstrated database decision for SaaS (Software as a Service), with organizations including RightNow, SugarCRM, Omniture, Supply Dynamics, Workday and Zimbra depending on the world's most prevalent database to control their applications.

Utilizing MySQL replication, associations can cost-successfully convey a high accessibility arrangement. Expert/slave replication empowers operations to physically come up short over to another server in case of an equipment or programming issue.

High Availablity:

Rock-strong unwavering quality and steady accessibility are signs of MySQL, with clients depending on MySQL to ensure all day and all night uptime. MySQL offers an assortment of high-accessibility alternatives from fast ace/slave replication setups, to particular Cluster servers offering moment failover, to outsider merchants offering remarkable high-accessibility answers for the MySQL database server.

Open Source full support:

Numerous partnerships are reluctant to completely resolve to open source programming since they trust they can't get the kind of backing or expert administration security nets they at present depend on with exclusive programming to guarantee the general accomplishment of their key applications. The inquiries of repayment come up regularly also.

High Performance:

An exceptional storage engine design permits database experts to arrange the MySQL database server particularly for specific applications, with the finished result being stunning execution results.


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