PTC Integrity and DO-178
January 05, 2016

PTC Integrity and DO-178

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PTC Integrity

PTC Integrity is being used by the Engineering Department for DO-178 and DO-254 projects.


  • PTC Integrity provides full traceability from requirements down to the source code that implements the requirement.
  • The GUI interface is relatively easy to understand.
  • Requirements entry is easy to manage.


  • Configuration of PTC Integrity can be intimidating.
  • Would be nice if importing from Excel was available.
  • Would be nice if more canned import wizards were available.
  • We have had to demonstrate traceability in the tool to a customer already and they were very impressed. We anticipate having to demonstrate our configuration management process to DER's during out DO-178 projects and I expect to be successful.
We liked that PTC Integrity requirements management, testing and source control are accessible through a single interface. This is not what we found with DOORS. DOORS only offers requirements management and testing and they are in separate interfaces. We are also beginning to use Jama here. Jama also seems to be a good product. It is more easily configurable and the requirements and resting are accessible from one interface but I think there may be more of a learning curve to creating requirements in the web interface. It is too early to tell to give a good opinion. PTC Integrity support is excellent!! They have always provided answers to all of my questions with one phone call. Jama support is a little less attentive.
I would say that PTC Integrity is very well suited to structured environments where traceability is critical.

PTC Integrity Support

PTC Integrity administration can be somewhat daunting. They have been able to help with every question that I have submitted. Their support website is very easy to understand and submit questions and their phone support is wonderful.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
My company allowed only limited administration training for me. PTC administration can be a little challenging. Only once have they suggested that we contract for training rather than using support for help. I have placed very many calls to support and they are always very helpful and attentive to my questions.


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