The fun Quiz...Quizizz!
April 19, 2022

The fun Quiz...Quizizz!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Quizizz

I use Quizizz in my elementary and middle school math and science classes. This program is graded for the teacher, gives immediate feedback to the students, has excellent report options, and individual results can be shared with parents via email. As a teacher, all of these are important!


  • Excellent report options.
  • LMS platform aligned.
  • Parent contact option.
  • Synced with other programs my school currently uses.


  • Individual data bank of scores and past assignments.
  • Remediation tool.
  • Reports
  • linking to LMS.
  • Parent contact.
  • Student engagement during review time prior to test prep is excellent!
  • Kids love the leaderboard on each quiz.
  • Fast pace keeps them on task.
  • Kahoot!
I prefer Quizizz to Kahoot for the report options, accessibility functions, and leaderboards. When I am using Kahoot whole group it is hard to see the question and answer options. Students used to only have the colored buttons to choose from on their screen, but now they have the ability to see them on the screen. The question bank for Quizizz is so much more extensive and the ease of making your own is appealing.

Do you think Quizizz delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Quizizz's feature set?


Did Quizizz live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Quizizz go as expected?


Would you buy Quizizz again?


Nearpod, Google Drive, Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
Quizizz is very well suited for my elementary and middle school-aged students. It is fast-paced, competitive, and keeps their attention. I would not think it would be as well implemented in lower (k-2) grades. I love the fact that it is aligned with Generation Genius, which is another site I use for instruction.

Using Quizizz

All reports are very informative and you can analyze the data by student, by class, or by question. The ease of sharing the assignments via Google Classroom is seamless! Teachers can input their own media and questions for anything (quiz, test, survey, emotional check in, etc)
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • sharing via Google Classroom
  • Reports


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