RETAILvantage helps you be more efficient
Overall Satisfaction with RETAILvantage
We currently use RETAILvantage across our entire organization. We use it in 3 showrooms, our warehouse and our accounting and ordering departments. It keeps up all of our inventory in all 3 locations by handling the purchase order process and the receiving process. We also use barcoding in our warehouse and that tracks all the movements of each piece of inventory. We also use the program as a point of sale technology so all of our tickets are processed through this program. We also use it for accounting purposes. We have been using this program for a very long time and pretty much use it for every aspect of our business.
- Keeping track of inventory- making POs, receiving, and tracking any movement of the inventory.
- Keeping track of all customer's purchases- it keeps all sales for 8-10 years in the history.
- Keeping all of our customer's information organized, you can print out reports by purchases within a date range and can even do it by categories or vendors they purchased.
- It is not an accounting program, it does simple accounting reports and actions but it doesn't do some things in detail so we have to manually do a few entries.
- RETAILvantage is constantly updating and making changes to improve based on customer input.
- RETAILvantage helps us all be more productive because we have 3 locations and we need to check inventory in all locations with a click of a button
- It helps to manage all 3 stores and the warehouse from anywhere because we can pull reports from anywhere.
- It also helps us stay on top of ordering and knowing what's coming in
We decided to stay with RETAILvantage because it is user-friendly and does more than just inventory and point of sale.
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