StatusPage for Internal and External Service Status Updates
June 13, 2017

StatusPage for Internal and External Service Status Updates

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with StatusPage for HipChat

StatusPage is used by our organization to send internal notifications on degradation or interruption in services. We can update the status of services, components of those services, or entire brands, along with a detailed message of the current status. That event will then be updated at regular intervals, and updates are streamed to subscribers through email, text, or chat channels.


  • Real-time updates on service status and possible impairment
  • Flexibility to customize notifications
  • Flexibility to customize services, or parts of services which may be impaired


  • StatusPage is nice because it keeps a rolling update on the previous statuses, but when it displays in Hipchat it just shows the last update.
  • StatusPage does not have a specific measurable ROI. We use StatusPage as an ad-hoc notification tool.
I would say StatusPage on its own is a great service. StatusPage for Hipchat can only be used with that specific chat client. But on its own StatusPage can be integrated with many tools, like Slack, email notifications, text notifications, etc.

I don't know of a tool that compares with StatusPage. You could essentially host your own status site with Greed Yellow or Red statuses, but you would be missing out on the robustness of a tool that keeps historical data, uptime, and segregates services based on components.
StatusPage is well suited for notifications on services and products. If you need to have a passive way to notify users, internal staff, or executives on the status of SaaS services, StatusPage is a low barrier way to do this with minimal setup and maintenance.

StatusPage is not well suited for scenarios in which you want info kept private. If StatusPage is updated, the subscribers to those alerts will be notified so you just want to make sure you're addressing the right audience with updates.

Statuspage Feature Ratings

Task Management
Not Rated
Gantt Charts
Not Rated
Not Rated
Workflow Automation
Not Rated
Mobile Access
Visual planning tools
Not Rated
Internal knowledgebase
Integrates with GoToMeeting
Not Rated
Integrates with Gmail and Google Hangouts
Not Rated
Integrates with Outlook
Not Rated
Access control
Advanced security features
Not Rated
Integrates with Google Drive
Not Rated
Device sync
Not Rated


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