Team Foundation Server - The central repository
Overall Satisfaction with Team Foundation Server
Team Foundation Server was being used as the central repository for all organization application assets (Requirements, Code, and Test Suites). Each application is used by different users depending on job title and role but only within the IT departments. It addresses the issue of having multiple repositories for each kind of asset needed to develop projects and applications. The organization can now link together requirements to code pieces, stored queries to code, and test cases to code and requirements to makes sure all pieces of the project have been fulfilled before go-live.
- Team Foundation Server makes it easy to develop and debug code. While coding, if a variable is missing or comma or something is misspelled team foundation server uses Microsoft visual studio to develop code which helps find where the line of code is with the issue.
- Test Manager makes it easy to link test cases with pieces of code for developers or test cases for front to end testing for QC analysts. Linking test cases to pieces of code and requirements is super simple.
- Test Manager makes test automation easy to re-run test cases in the event the same steps will be taken multiple time for a particular test suite. I had one test suite with over 100 test cases and the first 10 test steps were the same for each test case. I set up automation testing using test manager and was able to skip the consistent clicking on the first 10 steps for the 100 test cases.
- I think if old coding languages were easier to migrate and keep in TFS as a archive and easy to access then that would be a huge improvement.
- Easier to create dashboards within TFS of the approvals for projects.
- Time to completion for projects has significantly gone down by 15% and that number changes as more people are trained and are comfortable with TFS.
- Change Management and Approvals are easier to access.
- More projects are implementing SCRUM methodologies for applications
Before Team Foundation Server (TFS) / Microsoft Test Manager, we were using HP Quality Center and I am now working for a client that uses HP ALM. It was not as easy to find requirements because they were imported from another database which if the server for that software and database was down the linking was not accessible unless it had already been linked. I think having all pieces of the application lifecycle management in one repository is the best way to implement and manage applications.
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