ProLaw - A boost to any size firm!
Overall Satisfaction with Thomson Reuters ProLaw
We utilize ProLaw to manage our entire organization. We use it to document any and all legal matter information, billing, etc. The software is all encompassing so it really addresses all issues. When searching legal software it was really difficult to find a software program similar to what I was used to utilizing in the fortune 500 businesses that handled everything a law firm needed to do. I was excited when I finally stumbled onto ProLaw after a six-month search and trial of numerous programs.
- ProLaw allows you to bill your time simply and highly effectively which makes the program valuable.
- The accounting portion of the software is set up to be very simple to use even for those who are not versed in accounting. It is a simple deposit into an account and a check out of the account.
- The ability to create custom document templates allows you to save countless hours of wasted time cutting and pasting when used in conjunction with stock and custom matter data tabs.
- When the proper business practices are put in place, the properly organized data contained within a matter can allow even non legal employees the ability to provide first class customer service to clients with questions on their legal matter.
- ProLaw has been working on easier ways to add multiple documents to emails without flipping back and forth or changing document names to the storage number of the document in its database.
- Although you can export billing information to an excel sheet, it would be beneficial if one could print all billed items for a matter that included the description of the billed event rather than just the amounts. Currently the only way to do this would be by printing statements.
- ProLaw's time-saving features allow you to do more with less people. Human capital is the most expensive cost a business faces so the ability to keep your team organized and busy with less stress allows you a better profit.
- ProLaw's integrated third party software for merchant processing has allowed me the ability to save countless hours on accounting fees as the entire credit card posting process is automated. This accounts for 70% or more of all of our journal entries!
I researched one other Thomson Reuters [product] but it was very basic and really only provided a way to organize emails and some downloaded documents. ProLaw was definitely a much better option as we needed a single program to run our entire organization. Anything less would have been a waste of money.
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