Turing.com The real story.
May 03, 2022

Turing.com The real story.

Shannon Hall | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Turing.com

I tried to hire software developers, programmers, etc. through Turing.com, and it is not for us. They did not present us with any candidates that were in the US.


  • They are very transparent.
  • They were very informative with their vetting process.
  • They have very qualified candidates, but not in the United States.


  • Turing needs to provide US candidates.
  • They need to be more transparent in their advertising.
  • They need to provide more viable options.
  • Qualified candidates.
  • The vetting process they use.
  • The tests and assessments they have their candidates take.
  • Honestly, none.
  • Turing was a complete waste of my and my company's time. Nothing they did but they were not transparent upfront on the residency of their developers.
Honestly, As I stated, Turing was a total waste of my and my company's time. We cannot employ outside of the US or Canada, even though an agency like this. If they were upfront about what they truly are, and overseas employment agency, I would have never signed up for it.

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Would you buy Turing.com again?


I would rate Turing much higher if they had viable candidates that were US residents. Their candidates are qualified, but unusable in most companies.


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