Twitter : A place to advertise your brand
June 19, 2018

Twitter : A place to advertise your brand

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Twitter Ads

Basically, we use Twitter Ads for attracting relevant customers according to our campaigns and Ads. Like It can be a beauty product for which we try to connect with women and girls. It is simpler to use rather than Facebook. Since Twitter has the second largest number of users so it is a great place to run your Ads and campaigns. It also helps in gathering more followers. It helps directly connecting with the users and customers with messages or tweets etc.


  • Directly connecting with customers and users.
  • Simple intuitive UI to use Twitter Ads which attracts me to it more than Facebook Ads
  • A large number of genuine and professional users than Facebook or any other platforms.


  • Costly, Less payment methods.
  • Customer Care Support is very less, takes time to solve problems.
  • Conversion of customers more.
  • Fast and intuitive UI , Can easily be handled with new users to create Ads.
Twitter attracts more potential customers than Facebook. There are more fake users in Facebook than Twitter which also contributes Twitter conversion rate more than Facebook but gets more clicks on Facebook than Twitter. Targeting of users is okay on Twitter, for the first time you have to test but as soon as you will use more you will know how to target whereas it is difficult on Facebook.
1. Conversion of the customer is higher than any other platform.
2. It has allowed reaching potential clients and customers of services.
3. It helps in connecting with the user very easily.
4. It has fastest run time, not much lack in between pausing campaign and starting campaign.
5. Less appropriate in the domain of customer service and payment method.


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