Vettery is a terrible waste of time and potentially money! Don't waste your time!
April 07, 2020

Vettery is a terrible waste of time and potentially money! Don't waste your time!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Vettery (legacy)

Overall Satisfaction with Hired

Very bad experience with Vettery. Gave promises of incentives in order to interview candidates, and once we did our part to earn the incentive, they did not fulfill their end of the agreement. Seems like they will only fulfill their end of the bargain once we use their (exorbitantly) expensive platform to hire (bad) candidates! Don't use Vettery!


  • Simple, clean UI.


  • Bad quality of candidates.
  • No candidate screening or pre-qualification.
  • No ability to help convince candidates that the interviewing company is a good company.
  • No service outside of trying to convince you to interview more people.
  • Candidates couldn't code!
  • High investment of time for very little return.
  • No candidates interview (over 20) were hired by our firm.
We used traditional recruiters to much more success than Vettery, since recruiters will sell your company vision for you to candidates. Vettery is impersonal and has no screening mechanism.

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It is well-suited if you want to hire underqualified developers who lie about their skills and cannot pass a real interview. Don't use this tool as their candidates seem groomed to talk the talk but not walk the walk!

Hired Support

Good support from an account manager whose only job is to give you interviewing incentives but then not follow through on them.


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