Amicus Attorney by CARET vs. Time Matters

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Amicus Attorney by CARET
Score 9.8 out of 10
Amicus Attorney is a legal practice management platform which focuses on growth and business development, from AbacusNext in San Diego.
Per User Per Month
Time Matters
Score 5.2 out of 10
Time Matters from PCLaw | Time Matters, a venture spun out from LexisNexis in collaboration with LEAP, is presented as an adaptable case and matter management software that helps foster collaboration on matters, streamline internal processes and increase profitability through attorneys having more available billing hours and increased efficiency.N/A
Amicus Attorney by CARETTime Matters
Editions & Modules
Amicus Cloud
Per User Per Month
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Pricing Offerings
Amicus Attorney by CARETTime Matters
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
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Community Pulse
Amicus Attorney by CARETTime Matters
Considered Both Products
Amicus Attorney by CARET
Chose Amicus Attorney by CARET
Amicus Attorney has been a solid competitor for at least a decade. LexisNexis does not seem to invest a lot of time into new features for Time Matters, but the same can be said for Amicus Attorney in recent years. ProLaw is in a category of it's own (especially in regards to …
Time Matters

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Top Pros
Top Cons
User Ratings
Amicus Attorney by CARETTime Matters
Likelihood to Recommend
(3 ratings)
(6 ratings)
Support Rating
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
User Testimonials
Amicus Attorney by CARETTime Matters
Likelihood to Recommend
CARET (Abacus Data Systems, Inc. )
Amicus Attorney can probably be deployed very well in a law office that has a manager specifically dedicated to making it run smoothly, and who can keep track of the contacts, etc. In our firm, no one can spend the time to do this, so the information stored by Amicus gets a little disorganized, which has the effect of slowing us down
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PCLaw | Time Matters
The legal world- you need this program. There are plenty of other options out there, but TM is by far the best that I have used. This program works for an office of 1 to an office of 100. I have no clue how it would work in any other jobs, it is designed for legal work.
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CARET (Abacus Data Systems, Inc. )
  • Very efficient calendaring with sync to Outlook calendar (option of Exchange or Outlook level synchronization).
  • Case management including contacts, emails, documents, etc. to keep everything in one consolidated place.
  • Document automation including Word merging or HotDocs (third party). Take case data including custom pages and fields and instantly create documents based on templates with ease.
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PCLaw | Time Matters
  • Tie Matters handles event and to-do notifications well. This ensures that all SOL's and due dates are met.
  • Time Matters does case management tasks well, including documenting cases, documenting client and opposing counsel interactions and court orders.
  • Time Matters does a good job of syncing all case data to a users Outlook Calendar, to ensure todo and event notifications on a users Outlook/phone.
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CARET (Abacus Data Systems, Inc. )
  • Partner channel doesn't really exist anymore
  • Support of the product is extremely poor
  • License agreement states you can only run it in their data center (not Azure or AWS, really Amicus?)
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PCLaw | Time Matters
  • The software crashes a lot.
  • The plugins for Office and Adobe are unstable.
  • The whole software package appears to be built for the year 1995.
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Support Rating
CARET (Abacus Data Systems, Inc. )
No answers on this topic
PCLaw | Time Matters
There is no unpaid support. They insist on a service contract for support, either with the manufacturer, or with a re-seller.
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Alternatives Considered
CARET (Abacus Data Systems, Inc. )
In the time that I have been with my firm, we have not used any other comparable software. As a result I can't compare it to anything else that is out there
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PCLaw | Time Matters
So Juris and TM are both LexisNexis products. I dislike Juris greatly and the only thing we use it for is billing because we already had it and it was compatible with TM for billing purposes. Juris doesn't allow you any kind of document storage or management. You can make a "note" but what good does that really do me? In my opinion, Juris is good for billing only (not client management) and there are other options like QuickBooks that really outshine it.
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Return on Investment
CARET (Abacus Data Systems, Inc. )
  • Large software investment, if not properly configured and utilized this can be a time and money vacuum.
  • If law firm does not have a consistent personality among employees, buy-in may be difficult as it's a significant workflow change for users.
  • Can greatly benefit law firm if used properly and across board for all employees. Uniform data organization for cases and custom pages add to personalizing software for firm.
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PCLaw | Time Matters
  • Time Matters has allowed attorneys to focus on research and writing, rather than wondering where a file is.
  • Time Matters has allowed for more efficient communication between team members on a case.
  • Time Matters has ensured hot documents are tagged and accessible.
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