Amicus Attorney Review
March 20, 2018

Amicus Attorney Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 3 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Amicus Attorney

We are a managed services company that installs, supports and manages Amicus Attorney. Amicus Attorney offers on-premise, cloud-based and "hosted" options. This is one of the few products that I am aware of that offers all 3. At one time Amicus Attorney was a very highly regarded Practice Management product, but in recent years Abacus has acquired the product/company. As a result, Abacus has ruined the partner channel and basically tried to pull the rug from under its consultants' feet (by placing ridiculous "rules" on where you can/can't use the program).


  • 3 options of where to run it, on-premise, cloud or their hosted data center
  • Integrations with other products
  • User friendly out of the box


  • Partner channel doesn't really exist anymore
  • Support of the product is extremely poor
  • License agreement states you can only run it in their data center (not Azure or AWS, really Amicus?)
  • In years past, Amicus was a great product with very good support
  • The positive impact we get now is revenue from moving our clients to other platforms (away from Amicus)
Actionstep is a true cloud-based Practice Management system. Actionstep is superior to Amicus in every aspect, more customizable, more fully featured and better sales/support resources. It is unfortunate what has happened to Amicus, which appears to be based on someone's greed being the driving force today, instead of innovation, honesty and caring about their product.
Amicus WAS a great product 10 years ago but since then it has greatly diminished. Since Abacus purchased the company, they are trying to cut the certified consultants out on as much of the picture as possible. Their cloud product is nowhere as advanced as their competitors (Actionstep, Clio etc). It is also clear that their sales resources are commission incentivized as they are very pushy and on multiple occasions have been dishonest in order to get a signature on paper.


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