Aviso Insights provides predictive analytics software that is designed to help sales organizations optimize their performance and exceed their revenue goals.
Score 7.6 out of 10
Mediafly Intelligence360, based on InsightSquared's solution acquired by Mediafly in 2021, is a sales analytics and development platform that also supports demand generation analytics and SaaS reporting. It is designed for providing insights into sales processes, closing rates, pipeline and revenue forecasts, calculating KPIs, and market hiring processes.
It is great if you are working in a sales environment where you need to keep track of your deals and sales pipeline. It's not an application for a company that only has a small sales force, where deals can be tracked manually.
InsightSquared has been a great tool for quick reference dashboards for the whole organization and teams within the sales org. It presents a standardized individual dashboard for all the reps on the team. It doesn't fare well when trying to deep dive things like campaign and lead source inquiries, as well as activities associated with that opportunity.
The dashboard is amazing: easily customize your view so you can view all the data that is most relevant to you at a glance
Sales metrics: see how you are comparing to your peers, from every possible angle. InsightSquared gathers all the data you need to know, want to know, and didn't even know you wanted!
Predictive statistics and the likelihood of a deal to fail or succeed is quite useful in a sales environment where time efficiency is key. Need to know what deals to focus on? You can see exactly what deals need more TLC, which ones are likely to close, and which ones to stop wasting time on.
It would be great if we are able to customize it fully, there is more information from our CRM that we can use to have more insights on our pipeline reviews.
I know this is something they have in process, but I would love to be able to customize reports myself. The support team is always super responsive and makes sure that we're taken care of. But, it would be great to just be able to log in and change the small things myself.
I recently downloaded the InsightSquared app to my phone, and I'd like to see more functionality there. Currently. You are only able to see dashboards that have a already been created.
InsightSquared has been hugely beneficial to us, and to me in particular as someone outside of our sales team to gain insight into how our sales team and company is performing and how our overall health is. They offer fantastic customer support and have a great community to assist in your implementation of the product.
InsightSquared is easy to use overall. Running reports and creating dashboards is quick and easy - drag and drop functionality. All reports have multi-filter options allowing you to drill down into your data. Scorecards for employees help show how quickly a rep can start selling after they join your team. Activity ratios provide insight into what it takes from a KPI standpoint to close a deal.
InsightSquared has a very responsive team, and always willing to help with reporting needs which are not able to be completed in house. They do offer a professional services team at an additional cost, so if your reporting is very complex, or you have a team that is continuously changing the type of metrics they require as a business, their support team will be an invaluable asset for you.
We were using Aviso and were approached by Clari. We reviewed Clari and went through a POC but still decided to stay with Aviso due to their flexibility in working with the data from Salesforce. Clari required us to create specific fields within Salesforce in order to push the data into the application. Whereas with Aviso, it did not matter what Salesforce object the data was on, they were able to pull the data in to the application without any customization in Salesforce itself.
I was not involved in our purchasing of this platform, so comparing it is difficult. This being said, it's most similar to constantly running reports in Salesforce, probably. SFDC offers more flexibility, obviously, but InsightSquared offers better visualization, less report updating, and more features dedicated to making analytics more enjoyable. It's worth the cost of the platform to save your admin time in reporting.