Kendo UI is a JavaScript UI toolkit that allows users to build responsive web-based apps integrated into their framework of choice (jQuery, Angular, React, or Vue). The vendor’s value proposition is that Kendo UI offers a large library of popular and configurable components ranging from sophisticated grids and charts to basic buttons, so users don’t have to waste development time building their UI. The vendor also says the large library of customizable themes means users can easily deploy a…
One of our partner companies is using Kendo UI for jQuery. In order to exploit synergies with our partner we selected Telerik Kendo UI for jQuery. Other selection criterias were a) the longevity of Telerik, b) the Support, c) the Performance and d) the scalability.
I did not experience the other product that has such an integrated and user-friendly feature. It works more like an everyday query with the UI element in a totally aesthetic and attractive view. With the Kendo library, we don't need to develop every UI component from the …
We currently use data tables in most of our applications that require a grid to be able to asynchronously perform CRUD operations on our web applications. It has served us well but Kendo UI has more widgets and better documentation to get the job done. Given the time, we would …
Kendo UI is superior to Infragistics Ignite UI. Kendo UI elements are more reliable and compatible. Kendo UI provide more features and is easier to implement
We wanted to use software which is easy to learn and implement for UI. we did some research and used few controls and we found that we can go with kendo UI. Look and feel wise Kendo fits perfectly. so we decided to use it through out the product. it is good software in …
We think that Kendo is a better option considering the cost/benefit relationship.
Is important for us to make a good balance between cost and benefit and Kendo UI provide this two goals, we gain in productivity and improve our users experience with little effort.
It seems that Kendo UI is most complete tool of the market. Moreover, the documentation and examples seems to be better than other competitors. They always tries to bring the best in class UIs, even with new overcoming technologies. Rarely I see a bug in the system, that brings …
I briefly looked at Vaadin but the cost was higher, and look-and-feel seemed archaic. Google developers toolkit seemed to have too many dependencies and poor documentation.
I have never seen a good drag-and-drop designer for web development aside from Adobe's legacy product …
Senior Analyst, Business Data and Systems - Research and Innovation
Chose Progress Kendo UI
At the time of our product selection we identified better cross-browser compatibility and we estimated that turnaround for support was superior. At the time, the vendor had a higher positive feedback footprint among their user community.
Infragistics. We currently have an active license, but are using Kendo UI much more. The documentation and examples ultimately made the difference in deciding where to expend our efforts. There is only so much time in the day to spend trying to learn new products. We will put …
We have tried Component One's stuff as well as jQuery UI. Component One is good for their grids, but it is easy to get behind with them. jQuery UI just looks stodgy. We also looked at EXT for a bit, but it was too proprietary.
I have worked with Angular Material and Bootstrap …
According to our needs Kendo UI offers the most complete library of controls and plugins. The grid, combobox and autocomplete controls were an absolute must to meet our needs. Kendo UI's reputation and the fact that many developers were already familiar with it also contributed …
I have no experience with other commercial web UI libraries. I just tried some free alternatives but all of them lack the breadth of components and the support of a commercial tool.
Telerik support beats'em all we tried both a while ago, many things led us to prefer telerik / kendo ui, and the quality of the components added to the support reactivityans the quality of the software documentation (and also the rythm of updates and releases) made us keep …
It allows us to extend the components or create new components in an easy way. The control suite is complete and powerful enough that you do not need to consider other competing packages. The controls are relatively easy to implement and when we ran into problems the documentation and online support were very reliable.
Kendo UI controls provides rich set of features and capability that is required for enterprise products.
Performance of controls are satisfactory overall though few other vendors provides extraordinary performance for specific controls and for specific purpose. Kendo UI provides most of the required controls and with rich feature that made us to select Kendo UI controls for our development.
Kendo UI controls quality, in terms of performance, robustness and well defined interfaces are very positive notes.
Kendo UI is always moving forward and staying current with latest development trends. While that is beneficial, that can cause some issues when supporting customers (particularly government) that don't move their IT infrastructure along nearly as fast. A prime example is web font icons. Great and easy to use, but where Kendo UI utilizes web font icons as the sole means of displaying an icon, not all organizations (again, especially government) allow the use of these. There have been times where Kendo UI became unusable and we had to downgrade to a version a few years old. Makes continued payment for licenses sometimes feel wasted as we may not be able to always use the new releases
Kendo UI has a wonderful feedback system and they do indeed listen to the community. However, there do seem to be some instances where there is large support for a new feature/component and it never gets addressed. It is easy to understand that not all ideas are easy or even prudent to implement, but would be nice to see a better follow-up on ideas with a current status
Refreshing Kendo UI grids is simple, yet the standard API method causes the grid to return to the default state. We have many use cases where we would love to update the grid data but need current grid state (such as expanded detail rows, sorts, filters, etc) preserved after the grid is updated so that users do not have to perform grid actions again to return to the desired state.
Nothing better has come along. I'm always on the lookout for new UI libraries and I have tried most of them. Kendo has done a good job of keeping my business. They aren't perfect, but no one has done it better as far as I can tell. I'll keep a look out and my rating may change in the future if they get complacent.
it's easy to implement in applications. The kendo widgets are able to be used in almost any type of business application which has a UI. For most part, once the developer has completed a project which uses Kendo, many time code can be copy/paste into a new application. Kendo UI documentation keeps improving so finding the answers to questions can be easy
Overall, we are satisfied with the support offered by the Progress Kendo UI team. We had raised few helpline incidents in the past and they have been resolved timely by the team. Also, we were satisfied with the level of information and support provided by the team.
it took me about one day to make the components available for all the team members, including a quick demo, parallel setup in everyone’s workstation and packages deployment into our nuget server after 3 days of one to one support, everyone was able to use the components or find help in the documentation or resuest support
At the time of our product selection we identified better cross-browser compatibility and we estimated that turnaround for support was superior. At the time, the vendor had a higher positive feedback footprint among their user community.
Kendo UI has saved us a ton of time in development.
We were able to get certain things to market faster due to the fact that we didn't have to piece multiple libraries together like is so common with modern web development.
Because of the price of the library, however, we have not been able to purchase upgrades every year.