ActiveBatch, awesome if it did literally anything it says it can (it can't)
September 17, 2020

ActiveBatch, awesome if it did literally anything it says it can (it can't)

Sean Ford | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ActiveBatch

We used ActiveBatch to manage many of our automated database reports. It was used system-wide, but for our department only my colleague and I used it. It was supposed to be a replacement for Windows task scheduler, but it barely worked as intended. We had to hack many of our scheduled jobs to use batch scripts since the built-in Powershell or command line options did not work.


  • Everything in one place
  • Easily manage multiple machines and their scripts
  • Supposed to allow for more in-depth schedule 'chaining', e.g. when this job ends it kicks off another


  • Almost none of the advertised functionality worked in any form
  • Hacks to get it to work included calling a batch script via a scheduled task instead of just saving the code directly in AB - running that way did nothing
  • Notifications of job activity either didn't work or just absolutely spammed you
  • User accounts didn't work, our team had to share the one that barely worked
  • I have no idea what they paid for it, but it was too much.
My colleague contacted them directly, I only know hearsay on this but it was not good.
Some of the scheduling elements were extremely counterintuitive at first. If I did not have examples of existing jobs, I'm not sure I could have made sense of it on my own.

Do you think ActiveBatch Workload Automation delivers good value for the price?


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Did ActiveBatch Workload Automation live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of ActiveBatch Workload Automation go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy ActiveBatch Workload Automation again?


If it did the things it says it can, it would be an incredibly powerful and essential tool. Being able to manage all of our scripts in one place, as well as which machines they run against and their schedules would have been amazing. The builder was also easy to use for setting things up; again if they actually did anything once set up.

ActiveBatch Workload Automation Feature Ratings

Multi-platform scheduling
Central monitoring
Not Rated
Alerts and notifications
Analysis and visualization
Not Rated
Application integration


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