Affinity Publisher is a worthwhile tool no matter the budget
Overall Satisfaction with Affinity Publisher
Assemble page layouts for signage, manuals, ads, other published materials. Large manuals are of particular significance as the file handling of attachments allows the users to port the working file around the network.
- Master page templates
- File and resource handling
- Compatibility with other software files
- Menu differences can be an impediment to new users from other softwares
- Some functions are not in places I would expect
- Price
- Inter-functionality with the other Affinity programs
- Generally simple to use and figure out
- Good training materials and references
- Concern over support as versions are released
Only useful on the Windows platform. Perhaps it is just fine, but the plug-in style function of the Affinity photo and designer attached to Publisher makes the Affinity solution more robust. The Microsoft product is also attached to a subscription platform, where the Serif offering is single-purchase.
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