Tomcat - quick, easy Servlet hosting
Overall Satisfaction with Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat served as the Servlet Container for any web-based applications written in Java. It was used throughout the organization for a number of different products.
- Apache Tomcat is easy to install and get rolling quickly with a basic single-application deployment
- Tomcat provides a lot of fine-grained configuration around administrator permissions, and security in a multi-app environment
- Tomcat's management API actually makes it pretty easy to manage automatic code updates and self-updating code
- As an apache product, it would be nice to automate the common install/configuration/deployment of httpd alongside Tomcat, where httpd serves static files and only passes control to Tomcat in the case that a servlet needs to be invoked.
- Another nice-to-have would be the ability to, at installation time, specify the jar/war/folder that should be served from ROOT, rather than having the management interface be the default.
- Apache Tomcat made auto-updating a fairly straightforward process, allowing us to easily implement continuous integration and delivery to the customer.
GlassFish seemed to be fairly comparable in terms of easy of configuration and deployment, but we didn't do any side-by-side performance comparisons. Tomcat was better-known by the team, has more online forum support, and met the requirements of our project. Tomcat is fairly easy to deploy and forget, and then focus on developing the actual web application itself.
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