EVault for small/medium businesses
May 17, 2017

EVault for small/medium businesses

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 5 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Carbonite EVault

EVault is used for backups for our entire company. It backs up physical Windows, SQL databases, IBM i, and VMware virtual machines. We replicate the backups to our secondary datacenter. It allows us to consolidate one one backup platform and eliminate manual intervention of rotating tapes or other media.


  • Multi-platform backup.
  • Hardware agnostic.
  • Length of time for backups to complete because it never has to run a full backup after the first one.
  • Support is generally helpful.
  • Flexible replication topologies.


  • Backup management portal is difficult to manage for hardware/OS upgrades. Not all agents are supported in it either.
  • New product support - vSphere 6.5 is still not supported and doesn't work.
  • Scheduling backups are too time-consuming compared to other products.
  • Finding the log file from email alerts is almost impossible. Log file names on the Director are too generic and no identifier in the name.
  • VMware backups provide no way of centrally showing what VMs are backed up. You have to use the notes of the backup job and manually check each VM.
  • Overall product management is complex. Many different components that work together but there can be 3 or 4 places to check for problems.
  • Backup reporting is there but requires yet another component to be installed.
  • Deduplication only on a per job level.
  • We only have to support one backup platform - so reduced employee time and software/hardware costs.
  • Overall works well and we don't have to spend a lot of time on it because we have little change with servers.
  • Lack of new product support has held us back on some upgrades.
Product was in place before I started working here. It works well for us because the cost was low and it supported our applications and operating systems. We will be evaluating backup and recovery within 12 months to see if EVault is still the best product for us.
EVault works well in small companies where the rate of change with servers and backups is low. Medium and large companies will probably be better off with a more proven platform that offers enterprise features like global deduplication and centralized management. The cost is relatively low and you don't have to buy proprietary hardware.

Carbonite Server Feature Ratings

Business application protection
Incremental backup identification
Backup to the cloud
Deduplication and file compression
Flexible deployment
Management dashboard
Platform support
Retention options

Using Carbonite EVault

2 - IT only
2 - General IT and OS/application knowledge.


  • Virginia Lux | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hello – Thank you for your review. Customer feedback is important to us--we use this to continually enhance our customer experience and our products. To that end, we just (post your review) released EVault vSphere Recovery Agent 8.4, which provides support for vSphere 6.5 and delivers notable performance improvements including dramatically improved backup speed. You can download this by visiting the Carbonite customer portal. This capability joins Carbonite EVault’s existing ones, including deduplication and web-based centralized management. If you would like additional information on any of these features, please feel free to contact us. Best regards, Virginia Lux, Carbonite Customer Success

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