ContactOffice Review - Product worth using
November 01, 2018
ContactOffice Review - Product worth using

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with ContactOffice
ContactOffice is a software which helps you connect with multiple people from your work group in a single platform. It can manage your data, email, documents, file sharing, and is easily accessible from anywhere with the help of a browser. All your data is online and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. It's the best interface and easy to understand. It can manage large number of users easily, and is overall the best product for service providers to connect with clients, their employees, etc. It is also available at an affordable price.
- Can use it from anywhere, can access your documents, emails and others.
- Can message your group and arrange meetings, and it will notify you.
- Can manage tasks.
- Fairly good customer support
- Product isn't updated regularly
- Video tutorials not supported
- Can get documents from anywhere if you forgot your files.
- Can connect with anyone in your group, chat, share ideas, and requirements in a single instance.
It stacks up with other software in terms of bugs and requirements. It is a well developed product which helps solve real life problems of connecting with people and sharing documents. Can access from anywhere in the world, just need a browser and internet. The problem with it is just that it doesn't have a mobile app, which is a requirement nowadays.
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