Crystal Reports Functions Well With Our Database
Overall Satisfaction with Crystal Reports
- Simplifies report layouts. As a previous user of MS Query, Crystal Reports makes it easier to export information out of the database and into a usable format.
- Integrates with Microsoft Office. Exporting reports is extremely simple, and you can maintain grouping as well.
- Develops formulas without having SQL background. The filter tool makes creating formulas simple, and the formula editor tool makes editing easy.
- Tool location. Some of the tools are not easy to find, causing frustration when you cannot find what you're looking for.
- Linking. Link errors often produce a blank report and trial and error are necessary to actually obtain results. It would be nice if there was a warning that data type does not match for current database links.
- Compared to our previous database and MS Query, using Crystal Reports allows for more efficient production of forms. We can create specific forms for each situation easily.
- Crystal Reports has increased our customer service as custom forms can be produced at customer request.
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