Crystal Reports Functions Well With Our Database
Updated July 08, 2015

Crystal Reports Functions Well With Our Database

Samantha Cruff | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Crystal Reports 2008

Overall Satisfaction with Crystal Reports


  • Simplifies report layouts. As a previous user of MS Query, Crystal Reports makes it easier to export information out of the database and into a usable format.
  • Integrates with Microsoft Office. Exporting reports is extremely simple, and you can maintain grouping as well.
  • Develops formulas without having SQL background. The filter tool makes creating formulas simple, and the formula editor tool makes editing easy.


  • Tool location. Some of the tools are not easy to find, causing frustration when you cannot find what you're looking for.
  • Linking. Link errors often produce a blank report and trial and error are necessary to actually obtain results. It would be nice if there was a warning that data type does not match for current database links.
Crystal Reports works perfectly with our current database. With increased functionality, we are able to produce more reports to provide a better snapshot of our customers and their behavior. We also are more efficient in our everyday tasks as our daily forms can be produced almost automatically. In addition, our customer service has improved as requested information can be provided by running standard reports based on individual customer records. While no system is perfect, the current use of Crystal Reports with our database has made our company operate more effectively.
  • Compared to our previous database and MS Query, using Crystal Reports allows for more efficient production of forms. We can create specific forms for each situation easily.
  • Crystal Reports has increased our customer service as custom forms can be produced at customer request.
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