Grammarly spell and grammar check: quick and effective tool to improve document quality
May 22, 2021

Grammarly spell and grammar check: quick and effective tool to improve document quality

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Grammarly

Grammarly is used primarily to improve on spelling and grammar mistakes in email and other work documents.
Its browser integrations allow for a quick check on emails and documents written using any web interface.
It additionally provides a web-based editor, where more tools are available. I use this one if I am drafting some important and longer text and I want to make sure it is grammatically correct and uses the appropriate tone of voice.


  • Detect grammar mistakes
  • Detect misspellings
  • Detect tone of voice
  • Suggest stylistic improvements


  • Automatically expand dictionary with technical terms
  • Automatically expand acronyms
  • Detection of misspellings
  • Detection of grammatical errors
  • Web interface
  • Increased efficiency
  • Document quality

Do you think Grammarly delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

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Did Grammarly live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Grammarly go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Grammarly again?


Particularly suited for work and personal emails and quick documents. Not appropriate for confidential and sensitive data, since the data is sent to a server and processed online.


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