HP UFT - review from an expert
October 26, 2017

HP UFT - review from an expert

Sourav Halder | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with HP UFT

HP UFT is being used in the software testing department. Being a chemical manufacturing company, SAP is being used across the organization in multiple departments. Along with SAP there are other technologies that are also used.With new releases, upgrades and batches, it is extremely critical to test the updated software/application properly. With HP UFT the same can be done without so much manual intervention. The tool solved the purpose of automatic testing.


  • Supports multiple technologies.
  • Extensive forum, multiple sources of assistance, help and guidance.
  • Flexible in terms of test script design
  • Can be easily integrated with widely used test management tool, HP-ALM.


  • Maintenance of Test script is a pain.
  • Not futuristic. Not many innovative features have been added.
  • Not lightweight; consumes lots of memory.
  • Fares quite well if the Test Suite is expected to be executed at least three times.
  • For applications, which are not prone to frequent changes, the maintenance cost is less where HP UFT is used.
  • Not quite suitable for fact paced agile environment or with applications that get changed frequently.
UFT has the advantages of supporting different types of technologies. Different competitive tools were not able to support the wide range of technologies which UFT does. UFT has a strong history and has been ranked one among all the Test Automation tools for quite some time. There is a wide and strong community across the internet.
UFT is well suited if the price is not an issue, and if the requirement is about testing different technologies.
If the application is based on Legacy platforms like Siebel or Mainframe, UFT fares quite well.
For low cost web-based projects, there are other cheap and open source tools available.
If it is about API testing or Mobile Testing, it is better to use other tools like TOSCA.


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