iCIMS and beyond!
Updated March 13, 2015

iCIMS and beyond!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

I used the software 1 year ago, and no longer have access to it being that I'm in a different role in the company now.

Modules Used

  • all modules

Overall Satisfaction with iCIMS

iCIMS is currently being Managed by the Salaried Recruiter, in the field, for KIK's Custom Division. Each Divisional site HR Manager, along with some HR Generalists have access to the site to open reqs and route them through the approval process. Opearation Managers, along with the SLT, to include the President, have access to the site to approve or reject requistions. All individuals applying for any position at KIK is required to apply online through our KIK portal, which is linked to our iCIMS program.


  • It's a great controlled environment for routing approvals of reqs.
  • It's really nice how iCIMS works with the recruiting boards to have the one place to view all the resumes for the positions.
  • The system is very intuitive as far as where information is located and very easy to use.


  • From my experience a year ago, I would like to see more indepth, easier to use reporting functionality.
  • As intuitive as iCIMS is, I feel as if there are a lots of steps to get from point A to point B. I feel like there's a lot of clicking to get from the req, to the position, to the applicants that applied and then to the actual applicants. Loading, loading, and more loading.
  • Increased employee efficiency - we are good about writing notes in the system to know who spoke to whom, next steps, etc...Keeps everyone on the same page with the applicant.
  • Better follow up with the applicant through out the whole interviewing process being that we have key people with access to iCIMS to help move along the process more effeciently.
  • Time Management - one place for everything.
I did not make that decision, and cannot comment.
I think that depends on the industry or even the company that you are working. For instance, at high end, big box company or companies that I've worked for in the past, I do not believe that iCIMS is robust enough to manage the amount of resumes along with the efficiency needed. I've worked with software where everything seemed to be on the same page, or just one or two clicks away, so much more accessible than iCIMS. Now, for KIK, the company I work at now, I'd really like to not have to click into another screen as much, or click as much, but for the overall functionality of iCIMS... it works well for our smaller company. It manages the amounts of resumes, pre-qualifies candidates, and controls approvals/rejects well, and gathers important HR information necessary.

Using iCIMS

20 - They represent the field Recruiter, Senior Leadership team members, Operations Managers, some Department Leaders, HR Managers, and some HR Generalists.
1 - Ours is our in the field salaried Recruiter who is the Subject Matter Expert and who lives in the software. There are very few questions that she has to bubble to iCIMS. She also, of course, understands the recruiting processes and how to apply them in the system, like the idea of a pipe line, and the importanct of full cycle recruiting.
  • Contolled approval/rejection process for requistions
  • instant notes and workflows in the system so that eveyone knows the status of that candidate, position, or req.
  • standardized questioning that target HR legalities when hiring employees.
  • We use the reporting functionality to it's fullest. Prior to iCIMS, it was just spreadsheets.
  • applying specific filters to help ensure we are hiring the best fit candidates
  • Provide more reporting options to departments to truly assess the turnover in their department.
  • We could more standardized behavioral based questioning for each position posted and have it readily available when interviewing candidates.
From what I know today, even though I'm in a new position, KIK Custom is still using iCIMS and is planning to use it for some time.

iCIMS Training

I would say I believe iCims online training is very good. It's informative, visually appealing, and simple in explaining all the different aspects of iCims. I also really like the new candidate onboarding, and all the other training curricula you have up to be able to inform or send out to the candidate. I like you can attach a URL link for videos as well so you can really customize the training. I feel that overall, I would like to see more. Perhaps, more robust options with the training, if that's something iCims is expanding on in the future.

Using iCIMS

I think in today's world, and if you're a Recruiting professional, you have at least a good basic understanding of technology and the internet, so you can easily understand the functionality of iCIMS. I would improve my rating if iCIMS was just more effecient with less clicking.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Feel confident using
Requires technical support
  • Opening a Req.
  • The home page.
  • Applying notes to an applicant.
  • Searching for a specific candidate who applied to a specific position. Lots of steps, or to general if they applied to a lot of positions.
  • Feel like theres a lot of clicks and things loading just to get from point A to point C


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