Kapost Powers Content Markeing
Overall Satisfaction with Kapost
Kapost started as a content management tool among the content marketing team. It was quickly introduced across other areas of marketing, making sure everyone who has a hand in content - from creation to execution - was keeping track of their tasks. This has really helped provide an unparalleled level if transparency previously unattainable, and it helps everyone understand their roles as related to our content marketing strategy.
- Setting up and scheduling tasks for individuals across department functions. Everyone is now aware of what they need to do, and when it is due.
- Kapost enables its users to see what the whole team is working on. So even though I may not be assigned to a particular project, I can discover ideas that may be relevant for me, and we do not have to worry about duplicating efforts.
- Eventually, Kapost will let us publish content straight from the platform, which will be a huge time-saver.
- I'd love to see an App. I work remotely, and I am on the road often, so just being able to quickly see the status of a project would be helpful.
- Publishing. This will come, but I'd like to see more options to publish to the web.
- Cleaner UX.
- Quicker production times.
- More transparency.
Better interface and collaboration.
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