Indispensable competitive intelligence platform
September 09, 2019

Indispensable competitive intelligence platform

Jeff Epstein | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Klue

Owned by the product marketing team, Klue is a vital competitive intelligence tool that ultimately serves the needs of our sales and product teams. Klue helps us track publicly available CI, add our own intel gathered from various sources, catalog our CI and make it shareable and consumable for our internal audiences. Without it, the effort required to source, catalog, and distribute CI would be unmanageable.


  • Gathering publicly available intelligence - news, blogs, reports, etc.
  • Organizing intel into customized, meaningful buckets by the competitor.
  • Creating useful battle cards for sales.
  • Capturing news and info as you come across it online.


  • Doesn't currently capture reviews (like this one).
  • Battle card templates are limited.
  • Push alerts when changes occur on tracked pages.
  • Helped navigate competitive sales opportunities and deflect objections while laying landmines of our own.
  • Given our deal size, the payback/ROI is virtually instant.
  • The entire company is more in tune with the competitive landscape.
Klue seems much easier to use, and also had a better engagement experience during our trial period. They're insanely customer focused.
If you're in a space with more than 1 or 2 competitors, you need Klue to help you keep track of them. Otherwise, you'll be spending too much energy doing that and you'll be likely to miss important information. It makes light work out of keeping battle cards up to date, relevant, and accessible for your sales team.


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