Simple & Intuitive with Great Customizable Templates
October 31, 2021

Simple & Intuitive with Great Customizable Templates

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Lucidchart

Lucidchart is used by the PMO (Project Management Office), but it does help with collaboration across the company with the outputs. It is very easy to use and intuitive but allows for using their examples and templates within programs that others may feel more comfortable with. I have used Lucidchart for templatizing process documentation as well as project management timeline mapping and mind-mapping.
Lucidchart is very easy to use and intuitive but allows for using their examples and templates within programs that others may feel more comfortable with. I have used Lucidchart for templatizing process documentation as well as project management timeline mapping and mind-mapping. It is just used by the PMO but it does help with collaboration across the company with the outputs.


  • Example files with actual information
  • Guiding tour of the product
  • Categorization of templates and work


  • Clarity of integrations and how it can be a tool across other tech
  • Offering a learning path to couple with the example templates
  • Embeddable codes for other software like Asana on their project briefs
  • Improved clarity of process
  • Consensus of mind mapping processes
  • Role clarity and transparency
We use Slack and Confluence so there is a way for us to share and connect via those programs. The value stems from connecting the dots across channels so that information is not lost across teams or project work.
I haven't needed support in my time using Lucidchart, but the AI in the browser that leads a user through the interface is great.

Do you think Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite's feature set?


Did Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite again?


I don't currently stack them against each other. I want the programs that best work together for the most optimal Tech stack for the company which doesn't always mean using one company's set of features.
Lucidchart is a simple and intuitive system for the creation of process documents and clarifying organizational best practices. Template examples provide a great jumping-off point to get anyone of any level of expertise started on overall documentation for their business. Documents are easy to download and look very professional without the need for a graphic design degree.


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