M-FIles helps get your organizational act together
August 09, 2016

M-FIles helps get your organizational act together

Melissa S. Jackson, PMP | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with M-Files

We purchased M-Files to be used across the School of Arts and Sciences which consisted of about 800 faculty and 100 staff members. The goal was to organize decades worth of contracts that contained inconsistent information in each document and manage the contractual details of each document. The ultimate goal was to eventually allow administrators in the field to have access to this as well which would have consisted of another 300 or so persons.


  • M-Files forces your organization to think through and update their process. We spent years doing things because 'it was how it was always done". When that became unmanageable, we were forced to consider the logical steps needed to complete various tasks.
  • M-Files was intuitive in that searching for things became easier because all our files were mapped by department, area, person, year, etc.
  • M-Files was highly customizable. Because we changed our processes fairly often (every 3 years of so) it allowed us the flexibility to manage this.


  • From a technical perspective, M-Files wouldn't allow us to scale because our LDAP configuration was not Windows based (Active Directory). We were a Linux shop and it caused problems.
  • Unfortunately we weren't able to see the benefits of the ROI because of the turnover and organizational uncertainties. It did force the administration to consider doing more process mapping and detailing that it wasn't used to which will pay off tremendously in the long run.
We compared M-Files to Blackbaud and decided to go this route because of the complex nature of our process and a document management system that was non-existent. We believed M-Files was the best solution to tackle this challenge.
M-Files is best suited for managing documents where the details don't change often due to irregularities within the organization. We have so much turn over at a university with administrations that it becomes a challenge to keep a process in place without a strong leader who is tech conscious (which doesn't always happen. It also didn't help that there wasn't a sponsor to enforce this project through its completion.).

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