MongoDB is ideal for Startups
Overall Satisfaction with MongoDB
I am using MongoDB as a bread and butter database and main storage for our data objects.
In a previous opportunity, I used MongoDB to model graph constructs. Even though, MongoDB is not a graph db, I used its document oriented storage to store the adjacency list of a graph. Afterwards, I took advantage of its geo related features and indexing capabilities on date.
- Model objects in JSON
- Easy to get started, install and get going
- Runs on my laptop (Mac) and can be easily scaled to Ubuntu servers
- Ideal for startups, because it allows schema evolution
- It's "write concern" was a flaw at the beginning
- Authentication came later
- It's aggregation language is not consistent, and sometimes difficult to get working
- Increase developer productivity
- No schema migrations
- No need for "schema planning" or design
- Couchbase Server
- Mongo had a query language
- Mongo could be run easily on my laptop
- Mongo could be run easily on my laptop
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