Staying Connected While On Autopilot
Overall Satisfaction with OutboundEngine
I use OutboundEngine to stay connected with my database. I trust OutboundEngine to provide relevant content with an acceptable frequency to my various social media sites. As a real estate agent, they effectively address the need to keep me first of mind with past clients and those I have recently met. This allows me to stay focused on lead generation and networking.
- Great catch phrases.
- Offer a wide range of topics within the industry to peak the interest of the various end users, such as, home owner, investor, interior decorator and the like.
- Good tracking and notification system.
- Excellent customer service and follow-through.
- The dashboard is a bit confusing; offer video tutorials.
- Offer an app for the smartphones and other devices.
- Content is "Liked" and "Shared" inside and outside my network.
- "Likes" and "Shares" create more exposure for me.
- They make me look good!!
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