Pipedrive for Money Solutions!
Overall Satisfaction with Pipedrive
Here at Everywhere Agency, we use Pipedrive to keep track of new business leads, current proposals that we have placed, as well as how much money we are making off of each project and/or campaign. It is mostly used by the business development team though all of the account managers know how to operate it.
- Monitoring current proposals - sometimes, we have so many proposals out there that it is hard to keep track of them all. We use Pipedrive to know exactly what we've proposed, to whom, and at what cost.
- Wins/Losses - Pipedrive is also helpful in keeping track of the business we do not get. It helps to keep those clients in mind and not to re-pitch by accident.
- Projections - Pipedrives helps us to make predictions on what we will bill for the quarter or year.
- The cost has made it difficult to have multiple users under one account. Ideally, it would be awesome for each account manager to have their own username to track what they are in charge of.
- It has helped us to be more on top of our finances and financial goals. We've been able to follow up with clients about lingering proposals as well as know how much we make per project.
I haven't had the chance to use any other CRM platforms - though I am sure that Pipedrive would give them all a good run for their money.
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