A great product to stay on track
July 18, 2021
A great product to stay on track

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Planview Projectplace
We use this tool to be able to keep track of all the different projects that need to be completed for our team. It helps us to stay organized and realize everything we need to do.
- It is easy to use and supports different types of formats such as kanban, etc.
- Customer support is very helpful and can assist with any issues or problems.
- Software is very intuitive compared to other platforms.
- There could be more functionality in terms of project management like budgeting and time charts, etc.
- Because it is easy to use it has allowed us to not spend a lot of time on onboarding, etc.
- It has made us more efficient and we collaborate better as a team.
Do you think Planview ProjectPlace delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Planview ProjectPlace's feature set?
Did Planview ProjectPlace live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of Planview ProjectPlace go as expected?
Would you buy Planview ProjectPlace again?
There are other tools that have more functionality, but Planview Projectplace is a great tool for the price.
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