Qlikview works great with SAP
Updated March 20, 2015

Qlikview works great with SAP

Ben Laubach | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with QlikView

We've primarily used QlikView to access the underlying data in SAP (ERP & BW). It's ability to easily handle tens of millions of records allows reports to be generated directly from the transaction detail instead of relying on summary cubes. This both simplifies the development effort and results in more useful finished product.


  • QlikView's SAP connector makes extracting data from SAP extremely simple.
  • The finished dashboards are easy to use. Most users intuitively "get it" within a few seconds and require very minimal training.


  • QlikView is strictly a reporting tool. It does not allow the users to create data. It would be helpful if they added functionality that allowed users to manipulate budget or forecast data directly from the dashboard.
The scope of the QlikView implementation continues to grow as more and more users see how well it works. It's very likely that it will be renewed for many years to come.
  • QlikView development time is 1/10 that of SAP development. The benefit of better information is huge, but IT savings alone are enough to justify the ROI.
QlikView is a fantastic tool for quickly visualizing millions of rows of information on near real time basis. Novice users can quickly get results, however more advanced topics can get a bit tricky to implement. Here's an example:
- By default all data presented in an application is consistent with the current selection. If you've select '2014' ; 'Ohio' ; 'Large Widgets' then you can easily present that data by Part, Customer, Rep, or any other field in the data model. Click on any field to drill into the results. Users comfortable with Excel/Access will have no problem quickly getting to this point.
- To view 2014 vs 2013 or 'Ohio' as a % of the total this requires something Qlikview calls Set Analysis. Set Analysis works well, but it's complicated. You'll want someone with a strong IT background assisting with the development.

QlikView Feature Ratings

Pixel Perfect reports
Customizable dashboards
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Integration with R or other statistical packages
Not Rated
Report sharing and collaboration


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