Getting esignatures for research documents in sequence with RSign was easy and simple.
November 17, 2021

Getting esignatures for research documents in sequence with RSign was easy and simple.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with RSign

We require signing digital research documents on a regular basis, every week we need approximately 4 to 6 documents reviewed and approved by senior analysts. The process was cumbersome as the signoff from senior analysts is not streamlined and this is where RSign helped. It streamlined the review process among analysts with sequential esigning, one analyst can review and esign the approval and pass [it] onto the next analyst.


  • Making documents that we require use as templates and reuse them with rules.
  • Streamlined the process of esigning when multiple people are involved.
  • Pre-fill, back-fill removed manual work & human error


  • Native mobile version
  • SMS authentication
  • ID verification
  • RSign templates and rules
  • Easy to use web user interface
  • Sequential esigning
  • Improved process efficiency
  • Faster business operations
  • Getting documents esigned on time with reminders
RSign electronic signatures are [more] affordable than other electronic signature providers we considered, and the web user interface was easy to use and create documents as templates or upload documents as templates and reuse them whenever similar documents are required to get esigned by signers. Sequential esigning was [easier] than others.

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RSign is well suited for people to create documents for esignatures in a sample way, and also send documents with [a] complex set of forms and rules [to] get esignatures, where multiple people are involved to esign the documents and place reminders with configurable settings for signers reminding them to esign.


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