Good if you can spend the time to get to know it
April 12, 2018
Good if you can spend the time to get to know it
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Studio
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Studio is one of several email tools in use, and a couple of different marketing departments use it in different areas of the world. As you might expect, it's primarily used for marketing emails, usually blasts to existing customers and prospective customers, although it's sometimes used for transactional messages, too.
- It's quite intuitive to use and I'd say it's pretty good as just about everything you might reasonably expect from an all-in-one email tool.
- There's a lot of flexibility - perhaps too much in some areas, but nothing that some oversight can't contain.
- The ExactTarget feature is apparently very good - I haven't used it enough to know its full capabilities, but I've heard a lot of good things about it.
- Not a criticism of the tool itself, but it can be difficult getting everyone to use it in the same way, due to the flexibility offered. This is something for businesses to figure out and get alignment on.
- I've not had to contact their support, but I've heard people aren't always impressed by the service received. Same with a lot of tools, unfortunately.
- It is kind of expensive. There are surely cheaper ways to achieve what you need if you don't need anything too sophisticated.
- At this price point, I don't know whether the level of use has resulted in much ROI. You'd want to be using it a LOT to justify the expense.
- Certainly we've seen leads and sales attributable to email campaigns sent using the tool, but we see those in our other email tools, too.
- I guess what sets this tool apart from others I've used is the targeting capabilities. Taking the time to understand and design campaign audiences around those features is probably where real ROI happens, with greater personalization, etc.
Both are decent, and both are in regular use by different teams, as is another tool we developed in-house but which proved to be too much of a burden to maintain (I doubt we'd do that again). I don't know if I prefer one over the other - sometimes the relative simplicity (and, I'll admit, familiarity) of Constant Contact is what I'm looking for, but others with more time to devote to email prefer Salesforce features.
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