Why Sketch is above the rest!
Updated July 20, 2019

Why Sketch is above the rest!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Sketch

We currently use Sketch in our design department to design UI for desktop, tablet, and mobile websites and apps. By using Sketch, we’re able to quickly get designs out to stakeholders and incorporate feedback for quick iteration. We also use it to get input and insights from actual users to learn how they would use the design and how we can improve or build upon our design to better address their pain points in specific ways.


  • There are a ton of plugins that make working with Sketch very, very easy to integrate into our new and existing processes.
  • Sketch files are relatively small, so we don’t have to worry about taking up too much cloud space with Sketch files (especially when duplicating!).
  • Because Sketch is vector-based, the designs look good on any screen without losing sharpness. This is particularly helpful when sharing designs with stakeholders.


  • Color management can be finicky. For instance, the eyedropper tool sometimes isn’t very precise.
  • It would be helpful if there was a built-in commenting system that included tagging where designers and developers could have real-time collaborative conversations about designs.
  • Sketch is only available to Mac users. This is fine internally, but an issue when working with external folks.
  • Saved time -- Intuitive interface saves us lots of time/money because it is reliable and easy to use. Other programs have caused serious confusion, leading to project delays.
  • More captivating wireframes -- Stakeholders have been finding it easier to visualize potential “final products” with vector-based Sketch designs. Because of this, we’ve been able to have more targeted, focused discussions that lead to improved final products (with fewer immediate post-launch revisions!).
  • Increased productivity -- Because Sketch is so easy to use, our designers have had more time to do more work. Rather than finagling difficult tools in previously used products, our designers feel no hesitation with Sketch, and are producing more often and more creatively.
Figma is great in a team setting, but Sketch seems to have far more tools that are aligned to the fast-iteration work we do. It also lacks a number of the plugins that make our work with Sketch so ideal. If we decided on Figma, we would definitely have to create more workarounds to incorporate it into our team workflows.

Illustrator is a fine tool as well, however there tended to be a much greater time spent on building designs in Illustrator than there was spent on building designs in Sketch, which reduced team capacity and costs us time (and money). We’ve been able to be more productive with Sketch than Illustrator because of this point.
Sketch has worked really well for us in projects where our team is internal (so we all have Mac machines), where there is a no need for distance real-time collaboration, and for making designs very fast and intuitively (which is helpful when you’re working with a product that involves lots of feedback incorporation).

Sketch has been a little difficult for us in scenarios where we’re working with contractors who do not have Sketch, and when we need to be able to collaborate with project team members remotely. In these cases, we tend to find workarounds.


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