Skybox Security for vulnerability management
Overall Satisfaction with Skybox Security
I'm a security consultant and I used Skybox Security for a financial customer with a very big server farm. To make the remediation part of the vulnerability management program faster, I prioritized the vulnerabilities based on the network map and attack vector. With the customer, I discussed the value of every asset (in terms of CIA) and the types of attack vector for every subnet analyzed and after that, I uploaded the results of the vulnerability assessment into Skybox.
- Vulnerability prioritization
- Review of firewall rules
- Review of routing rules
- User experience. On the first approach, it's not the simplest tool that I have ever used.
- Web-based console. In my honest opinion it's very important [to have] this type of functionality to extend the use of Skybox.
- Too many updates of the product.
- Reduces cost in terms of time and money to spend in remediation activity.
- Improve the network topology and then it's possibile to reduce cost of network/security appliances where they're not necessary.
- The cost of the solution is not trivial when the number of network appliances is big.
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