Wisdom of SmartRecruiters
Overall Satisfaction with SmartRecruiters
We use SmartRecruiters as our main database for prospective employees. We manage all of our applications and reviews through SmartRecruiters. Every department has access to SmartRecruiters to write reviews of the candidates they interview. I use it to schedule and track potential candidates.
- Sends notifications directly to people when tagged.
- History of contact with Candidate can be seen from one screen.
- Doesn't run out of space for additional candidate information.
- Ability to assign a candidate to more than one job at a time.
- Link to all versions of Outlook.
- Duplication feature of notes or candidates.
- Efficiency. SmartRecruiters allows me to look quickly through candidate responses and reach out in a group instead of having to do each one individually.
- SmartRecruiters has features that streamline communication between myself and Hiring Managers, as notes are requests are emailed directly to me.
This is the only system I have used.
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