Fast debugging/testing for a better product
May 20, 2019

Fast debugging/testing for a better product

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with SoapUI Pro

I use SoapUI whenever I need to test various endpoints be REST or SOAP. I usually set up various projects for different environments and within each project I setup multiple endpoints we want to test. I like the easiness of using the application to quickly debug any issues in any of our environments. I can get to the issue quickly and test it in multiple environments at the same time. I like the way I can jump from endpoint to endpoint with just switching windows back and forth and compare results in the same window and not worry about copying text to another text editor. I can do my workflow in the same application.


  • Organization of different endpoints and environments.
  • Easiness of use.
  • Quickly debug issues with endpoints.


  • Some times the UI freezes and I lose all my data.
  • Dated UI.
  • Autosave option.
  • Quick testing
  • Finds issues faster
  • Better quality of the product in production
I have used Postman and Rest API. I like the way autosave works there. I don't have to worry about saving my changes, they are done automatically and next time I open the apps all my work is there. This function would be nice to have in SoapUI. This is one of the things that keeps me going back and forth between applications. But I like the way projects and endpoints are structured in SoapUI.
Well suited to test and debug various endpoints in different environments. Setting up projects is a breeze and it can be done in no time and the option to import other Soup UI projects is very useful this way a test suite can be passed along several developers to start testing the same or create more test cases.


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