Solarwinds works for us!
Updated December 15, 2020
Solarwinds works for us!

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with SolarWinds Service Desk (SSD)
It is used across the whole organization. It addresses Incident mgmt, change mgmt, purchase orders, and device management mainly for our organization. Allows for everything to be on 1 platform.
- Notifications and integrations: communicates notices well.
- Automations: several ways of setting up automations.
- New ticket notification: refreshes up-to-date tickets which is a newer feature.
- I'd like to see more notification options in change management.
- Solarwinds could improve on reporting features and ease of use.
- Solarwinds has allowed our company to become more organized with our asset tracking.
- Solarwinds has been helpful to us maintaining our purchase orders.
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SolarWinds Service Desk Feature Ratings
- Price
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- Product Usability
We were looking for a Incident management tool for our internal employees and a way to organize our IT department to work through Issues. We use all facets of Solarwinds -- particularly Incident management, Change management, Purchase Orders (this works, although could be built out better in Solarwinds), Asset Inventory, Device Management. The most important factor was Incident Management - and automation, the more automation the better as we have a slim department and efficiency is huge.
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