Sugar CRM - The Most Agile CRM Out There
Overall Satisfaction
- SugarCRM has really helped me in my job as a marketer in a tech company allowing me increased visibility as to where the leads I generate go and how they are being followed up on. It lets me integrate my marketing automation platform directly into Sugar and lets me work closer with the sales team.
- Sugar has helped us increase profitability by decreasing admin time with business process automation.
- Sugar is flexible and completely customizable - very agile and allows us to use it however we like.
- The calendar needs some more work. Sugar has a great new Sugar 7 edition but they didn't even touch the calendar!
- Can be slow at times.
- MUCH faster lead conversion with Sugar's integration with Net-Results (marketing automation).
- ROI has been huge - we have cut down on admin and sales teams are allowed to work much more efficiently.
- Campaigns and lead scoring have given us increased visibility as to where our marketing budget is effective and where it is failing.
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