Sugar CRM - The Most Agile CRM Out There
December 17, 2013

Sugar CRM - The Most Agile CRM Out There

Stewart Sylvester | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Sugar Professional

Modules Used

  • calendar
  • contacts
  • leads
  • campaigns
  • accounts

Overall Satisfaction


  • SugarCRM has really helped me in my job as a marketer in a tech company allowing me increased visibility as to where the leads I generate go and how they are being followed up on. It lets me integrate my marketing automation platform directly into Sugar and lets me work closer with the sales team.
  • Sugar has helped us increase profitability by decreasing admin time with business process automation.
  • Sugar is flexible and completely customizable - very agile and allows us to use it however we like.


  • The calendar needs some more work. Sugar has a great new Sugar 7 edition but they didn't even touch the calendar!
  • Can be slow at times.
  • MUCH faster lead conversion with Sugar's integration with Net-Results (marketing automation).
  • ROI has been huge - we have cut down on admin and sales teams are allowed to work much more efficiently.
  • Campaigns and lead scoring have given us increased visibility as to where our marketing budget is effective and where it is failing.
Sugar is much more affordable than and gives just as much functionality. What I like about Sugar is that they are more open source company/product and don't lock down their solution to their needs - but rather let the customer determine what modules and functionality are most important to them.
What do you want/need from a CRM?
Do you care about open source CRM?
How important are integrations/customizations to you? (sugar is unparalleled in both).
How important is name recognition to your decision makers (ie, will you be fired for not choosing salesforce)?
How much are you willing to spend?
Hosted or on-premise?


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