A simple tool at hand
Updated April 20, 2018

A simple tool at hand

elena vargas | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Twitter Counter

This tool began to be used less than a year after a political campaign in my country. The free versión is being used and until now it had been successful and it has allowed us to see graphs of the followers and the evolution (prediction in the twitter account, within the limitations of the free version. We liked that you can see other profiles for making comparisons. In our case, the team should be monitored by several political actors in my country.

For now, it is being used by a department (a group of 5 people) and since it is very useful and easy to use, it is being recommended to other departments. For now, the free version only allows us to analyze two twitter profiles, we would like it to be expanded to at least three, in case of not being able to pay another payment plan, due to the limitations that exist in our country Venezuela.

In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela there is a strict exchange control (dollars), so we are limited to acquiring the product, however, this government group has tested the tool and has been successful, with regard to saving time and giving quick answers.


  • Something very comfortable is that you do not have to open another account, just with the username on Twitter access to the tool and you can see the evolution of the profile every day, I can see if the number of users increased or not.
  • In addition, I can observe data of my followers, the data of who I follow, and something very important: I can see my tweets and compare data.
  • its interface allows to observe weekly, monthly and if desired data and for a better analysis a quarterly of all this data.
  • In terms of analysis, we use it to achieve media monitoring work in a political campaign. This allowed us to evaluate and verify the strategy that was used was the correct one.
  • It is a simple, easy to use tool.


  • I would like the free version to allow other functions for a little more time.
  • I would like you to have a more accessible billing
  • Until now it has not had negative impacts, in what concerns my work, only that I would like a more accessible billing for the entrepreneurs.
  • you can follow up on the advertising of your company and know in a short time if the strategy is the most successful
department. i read a bit about tweetchup, but I would have to create another account, which many user do not like. Another option could be Google Analytics which offer to obtain reports suh as the tracking of exclisive users, the performance of the user segment, The results of the different online marketing campagng; with this option the website would be analyzed only, it is not very attractive for the activity that we develop in the work department. It strikes me that this tool is free.
In my case, I have used it to track tweets for political campaigns, that gives me an idea of what the trend is and how effective my strategy was, at a certain time and day.

Using Twitter Counter

6 - 
Currently we use it to track the popularity of political actors in my country Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, being very useful to report to the highest authority, does not advance much work to follow media.

5 - social networks and computers. The people who work with thhis toll are graduates in social communication and economists, with knowledge in social networks and computers. Only one these people knew about the tool and prosposed to work with it and it was really not difficult to obtain good results in a short time. What it means is that people with a medium level of education can access without problems.
  • measure user statistics on twitter
  • providing simple statistics to understand for the highest authorities
  • make predictions about how a tweet will perform
  • predictions on how a tweet will yield
  • Program Tweets in the workplace allows you to get closer and know what was the impact of the message, the scope, interactions, impressions of how users see the organization
it is not complicated to use, ideal to have an image of the account, in a short time. You can predict the future if you consider that you have a good strategy.

Evaluating Twitter Counter and Competitors

  • Price
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
I'm using the free version, which saved me a lot of time and money.
I adopted it as a work tool because i work with the twitter in the first place, second for the mom, I am using the free version, whitch save me a lot time and money. We quickly observe the behavior of users and make dicisions immedialely.
I think there are many people who are unaware of the tool and ist usefulness. Through twitter should be made known this tool.

Twitter Counter Implementation

it is important to have some knowledge about market statistics
  • language
  • the limitedness of the tool to be free

Twitter Counter Support

I have not used it so far I have not used it so far
So far i have not had the opportunity to use it

Using Twitter Counter

in general it is a tool not very complicated, it is more difficult for those who do not master the English language, but even without mastering the language in its free phase you can immediately interpret the data it offers.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Difficult to use
Feel nervous using
Lots to learn
  • we really like the graphics that are available in the tool, they can be used for reports immediately!
  • what we do not like is that it is totally in English, not all people dominate the language


More Reviews of Twitter Counter (discontinued)