Backup/recovery without all the headaches.
August 26, 2016

Backup/recovery without all the headaches.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance

We have two Unitrends Recovery Appliances. 824s is the backup appliance for our whole organization. We have an 813 offsite we replicate jobs to at a backup location. It gives us the ability to back up all physical/virtual servers and have an offsite backup for disaster recovery.


  • Physical and virtual server backup
  • Ability to quickly restore data
  • Replication to another appliance
  • Setup and ease of use


  • Replication that is easier to configure
  • New dashboard added abilities so you don't have to use the old interface
  • Ability to restore files after a server crash or a user accidently deleted a file.
  • Better customer service and support than previous backup application. It doesn't have the issues with backups failing like our previous system.
  • Bad experience trying to restore and snapshot and didn't have a long enough retention span to go back before a virus infected a server.
The Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance is well suited for physical and virtual Windows and VMware environments. If you're going with a physical appliance make sure you spec out the appliance storage and retention capabilities. You want to ensure it will have the space to back up all your data with the retention period you require.

Unitrends Feature Ratings

Universal recovery
Instant recovery
Recovery verification
Business application protection
Multiple backup destinations
Incremental backup identification
Backup to the cloud
Deduplication and file compression


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