Maximizing financial planning potential
May 22, 2020
Maximizing financial planning potential

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Vena Solutions
Our organization uses Vena Solutions for revenue and cost forecasting. We also have added interim steps for project status reviews and resource planning. The forecasting process is managed by the Finance department, and the inputs are gathered from project managers and account leads across the organization. Vena Solutions has addressed the need for workflow automation, template version control, data audit control, template standardization, and strengthened the team alignment from the Finance department and the users contributing data.
- Workflow automation - flexibility to adapt and ease in building new workflows
- Template standardization - ability to build templates that keep the same assumptions across the organization
- Data auditing - ability to track changes to data and research the origin of data
- LIDs - ease of use could be better
- SSS and macros - heavy performance, processing time
- Process workflow automation
- Template standardization
- Team alignment
Vena Feature Ratings
Vena Solutions Attributes
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