Powerful Software...Weak User Support and Assistance.
December 11, 2013
Powerful Software...Weak User Support and Assistance.
Score 4 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Analytics 9
Overall Satisfaction
- Webtrends Analytics makes complex situations understandable to a non-technical audience. The vast capabilities and ways to slice data is both a great tool, but can also cause a user/users many hours of frustration.
- Visual data display is clean, to the point, and not overly convoluted with unneeded variables and standard (defualt) settings. Everything the end user sees is customizeable.
- Exports of raw data collections was easy and accurate. Once the parameters of data collection are finally set up and working, its easy to get what you want from the UI and is delievered in a variety of options.
- The weakness of this software by far is the staff that support it. My company and I had some of the most frustrating conversations with people supporting our account. They would continually re-route us to other support staff. Their deadlines for solutions/answers were continually pushed back, and their answers of "Why" things were happening the way they were happening was most of the time just a ploy and cover up in hopes we would eventually stop asking the questions.
- Although simple campaigns can be easily set up, I would say the set up for larger campaigns (as ours was) was extremely difficult and confusing. Webtrends offered many, many ways to see the same data, but unfortunately alot of the time the data was inconsistent when you knew it should be. An example of this would be our team trying to track the number of visits for Page A and where they were previously before coming to that page. Now, if on one view Page A visits returned 10,000 and on another view with different parameters showed 20,000 visits we knew something was not right. The issue would always be sent back to support staff who never really provided a logical answer as to why this was happening.
- Decreased employee efficiency
- Decreased trust from clients because Webtrends issues turned into our issues, resulting in deadlines missed and deliverables not met.
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