Acquia DAM (Widen) vs. ThirdLight from PhotoShelter

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Acquia DAM (Widen)
Score 8.4 out of 10
Enterprise companies (1,001+ employees)
Acquia DAM (Widen) helps brands manage and distribute assets across teams, tools, and channels. A configurable metadata schema provides business-specific search and workflow capabilities. Plus, AI-powered auto tagging makes assets instantly findable. Content can be synced across systems using the API or pre-built integrations with over 50 tools, from creative suites to project management. Product-based companies can use Acquia DAM to build a unique 360º view of their product content. It…N/A
ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Score 0.0 out of 10
Third Light is a digital asset management (DAM) platform, available in multiple editions. The base edition, Chorus, is a DAM for marketing, communications and brands. The Chorus Work In Progress edition adds workflows, team collaboration and sync. And the Data Center Edition is an on-premises DAM for sophisticated internal hosting.N/A
Acquia DAM (Widen)ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
Acquia DAM (Widen)ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeRequiredNo setup fee
Additional DetailsGuided or full-service implementation options and annual subscriptions based on capabilities required. Workgroup and unlimited user options available. Storage with Amazon Web Services. Professional services available for strategy consulting, change management, administration services, design services, and managed integrations.
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Community Pulse
Acquia DAM (Widen)ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Top Pros

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Top Cons

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Acquia DAM (Widen)ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Reporting & Analytics
Comparison of Reporting & Analytics features of Product A and Product B
Acquia DAM (Widen)
60 Ratings
15% above category average
ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Dashboards7.757 Ratings00 Ratings
Standard reports7.552 Ratings00 Ratings
Custom reports7.341 Ratings00 Ratings
Data exportability7.942 Ratings00 Ratings
Content analytics7.644 Ratings00 Ratings
DAM Features
Comparison of DAM Features features of Product A and Product B
Acquia DAM (Widen)
79 Ratings
0% below category average
ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Uploading assets8.578 Ratings00 Ratings
Downloading assets8.479 Ratings00 Ratings
Categories8.276 Ratings00 Ratings
Asset storage9.278 Ratings00 Ratings
Asset sharing8.978 Ratings00 Ratings
Asset search8.079 Ratings00 Ratings
Tagging system8.075 Ratings00 Ratings
Content editing7.463 Ratings00 Ratings
Embed codes8.253 Ratings00 Ratings
Metadata8.869 Ratings00 Ratings
Collections7.872 Ratings00 Ratings
User access8.074 Ratings00 Ratings
DAM Integrations7.855 Ratings00 Ratings
DAM API7.440 Ratings00 Ratings
Workflow automations7.339 Ratings00 Ratings
Related asset discovery7.847 Ratings00 Ratings
Best Alternatives
Acquia DAM (Widen)ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Small Businesses
Adobe Bridge
Adobe Bridge
Score 8.8 out of 10
Adobe Bridge
Adobe Bridge
Score 8.8 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.9 out of 10
Score 9.9 out of 10
Score 9.9 out of 10
Score 9.9 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
Acquia DAM (Widen)ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Likelihood to Recommend
(183 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(10 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(9 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Support Rating
(174 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Online Training
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(3 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Contract Terms and Pricing Model
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Ease of integration
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Product Scalability
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Professional Services
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Vendor post-sale
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Vendor pre-sale
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
User Testimonials
Acquia DAM (Widen)ThirdLight from PhotoShelter
Likelihood to Recommend
Widen is a great digital asset manager internally. I loved the framework that the platform has. However, we created a main portal to share with our external partners so we could control what was private and what was public. The portal framework was not as user-friendly and we tried too much to make it like a website when it was meant to be a DAM. The main reason we switched providers is that we wanted to have the option to have a consistent framework internally and externally that was more user-friendly with better search capabilities.
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  • They offer valuable guidance and educational resources to Administrators
  • Their I.T. support is knowledgeable and responsive. And friendly!
  • They build community among Acquia DAM (Widen) Admins
  • They aren't as salesy and pushy as many of the other DAM Vendors that we considered. I don't feel like they are constantly trying to upsell me or take advantage. I hope this continues to be the case with the acquisition by Acquia.
  • They're just plain nice people to work with.
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  • Improvements in the cropping and editing features within Acquia DAM are essential to ease the workload for our graphic designers. The current functionality falls short in providing the necessary tools and precision required for efficient asset manipulation, not helping with that time management at all.
  • Enhancing the onboarding experience, we propose creating more video tutorials for Acquia DAM. These visual guides, covering topics from account setup to collaboration features, offer dynamic, step-by-step learning.
  • To improve the onboarding experience, we recommend expanding introductory tools and templates in Acquia DAM. Introducing more user-friendly features and providing a variety of templates will empower new users to navigate the platform with ease, fostering quicker proficiency and enhancing overall usability.
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Likelihood to Renew
Acquia DAM (Widen) is changing its pricing model and at this point, we are unsure whether it is a good thing for us or not. While we consider this a robust tool, we will take our time to evaluate the competitors.
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We used to have to respond to any email questions from our library users about how to find assets. With Acquia DAM (Widen), the system is similar to online shopping, workable with keywords for those who like to search that way, or with filters for those who like to browse.
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Reliability and Availability
Never had an issue where I was unable to access Widen.
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There have been a couple of rare instance where after I uploaded an asset, I was unable to rename it, or after uploading it it took a while before it actually appeared and can be viewed in the DAM.
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Support Rating
It's very seldom that I have to reach out for support, but when I have, there are quick solutions and follow-ups to make sure the system is working how it should be. My customer support team is also great at reaching out on a regular basis to keep me up to speed on emerging features I may be able to leverage to improve my experience.
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Online Training
The training was very thorough. The recordings for all our traning sessions were provided to us so that we could go back and review. Our trainer was always available for follow up questions. Our trainer shared a spreadsheet with us as a checklist for all things that needed to be done to ensure proper import and setup of our assets and DAM.
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Implementation Rating
It was a lot of work! But worth the effort to get our assets cleaned up and organized. Enough time and personnel need to be allotted for any implementation, but we had some advantage in having our assets in a previous DAM with attached metadata in XML, and our users were prepared with knowledge of our existing DAM at that time. Though old habits present their own issues, a company that is starting from scratch with no DAM has to think farther ahead about how it will organize and collect assets. Far more pre-planning with stakeholders would be needed for a company starting an implementation from scratch.
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Alternatives Considered
Compared to Google Drive, the DAM platform stands out as a significantly advanced solution, offering additional features that elevate the user experience and functionality. While Google Drive excels in basic file storage and sharing, the DAM platform goes beyond these fundamentals, providing enhanced capabilities that cater to diverse needs.
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Contract Terms and Pricing Model
Can not give an accurate rating.
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Return on Investment
  • The central area for all images and videos is excellent. It has helped improve brand visuals and reduced requests on creative teams.
  • Due to our small user base (50), many features are not fully used by our business, the small user base is mainly down to costs and budgets set at the start of the year which is a shame as the benefits would be great but the step in costs is too great to transition effectively.
  • Uploading photoshoots can be tricky due to restrictions on upload and edit counts.
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Acquia DAM (Widen) Screenshots

Screenshot of Dashboard can be customized to provide users with a springboard to popular assets, collections, and portals.Screenshot of Custom-branded portals to share curated collections of assets and microsites.Screenshot of Asset performance tracking including downloads, embedded asset views, and shares.Screenshot of Custom analytics dashboards to display system reports for all usage data.Screenshot of Any asset type can be searched, downloaded, shared, and embedded.