ETQ headquartered in Burlington offers the ETQ Reliance Platform, a quality management solution designed to meet a business' unique quality needs and risks with an automated best practice-driven software solution.
Score 9.2 out of 10
Sparta Systems headquartered in Hamilton offers TrackWise, a quality management system designed to allow the user to leverage existing investment to quickly implement a cost-effective quality management system. Also, TrackWise Digital helps users to track and manage internal, third-party, and regulatory audits.
ETQ Reliance is great for quality systems in which different levels of personnel are accessing common documents. The user interface and basic functionality is very intuitive, and thus easy to navigate for both novice and experienced technical users. It is also great at organizing tasks and maintaining document attributes. Overall, great for the purposes of an audit. For more advanced users, it may be limited in functionality. Data analytics and related visualization is more easily done after exporting data and manipulating in third-party software programs.
We use Trackwise to record non-conformances that are reported by our clients and also the non-conformances that are found within the manufacturing floor during the manufacturing process. TrackWise is extremely easy to use and can be customized as per user needs. It is easy to create records and define child-parent relationships in the software. Users can pull customized reports and they can create dashboards as per the business demands to make sure they can track non-conformance resolution cycle time. We use TrackWise in integration with SAP which makes the system accessible to a wider user base. It is not only used to record the non-conformances, but also the part disposition details in cases where a part is supposed to be delivered from the client to us and in cases where the part is delivered to suppliers. We also use TrackWise to record the corrective actions and root cause for the reported issue. Trackwise is widely used to record Audits assessments in our organization. Trackwise is also used to report workmanship issues and to record the cycle time involved to resolve the issue and corrective actions taken to avoid the issue in the future.
It is easy to use. Easy navigation. Flexible to customize. Real-time analytics help to track the record cycle time. Can be used by multiple departments for various business processes.
At the basic support level, you get adequate support, but you are likely to be passed around from one tech support rep to another even on the same problem. Some of the support staff are both technically strong and have good interpersonal communication skills, others less so for the latter. Recently it seems that ETQ wants to monetize more of their support services both in multi-level support as well as in seeming to move some services from included in annual support to a fee basis (for on-premise deployment).
Prior to ETQ we were using spreadsheets and shared drives and the ability to pull information was challenging. It was a very manual process done by many people. Now, it is somewhat manually input by one or two people and the retrieval of information can be done by anyone anywhere with ease.
Trackwise is better than Arena. You need sign-offs before moving to the next step. While in Arena, you can complete the whole task and request sign off later. Not sure which is better for everyone, but I prefer to sign off before moving to the next step.
Has saved a lot of time in preparing for audits. In an organization with multiple franchises, the cost savings from reduced man-hours is well in the $500K+ per year range.
Cloud capability has saved on document storage and hardware costs. The cost of storing online is low and has saved up to $100K per year in hardware and data maintenance costs.
Reduced need for third-party document control applications. ETQ Reliance has eliminated the need for other software applications to support quality document maintenance.