Nagios provides monitoring of all mission-critical infrastructure components. Multiple APIs and community-build add-ons enable integration and monitoring with in-house and third-party applications for optimized scaling.
Score 8.7 out of 10
Zabbix is an open-source network performance monitoring software. It includes prebuilt official and community-developed templates for integrating with networks, applications, and endpoints, and can automate some monitoring processes.
We have tested several other monitoring products which were able to monitor the basic matrix (Memory, DiskUsage, CPU%, UpTime, Running Service Status, Port 80 Up/Down). Although some offered far better UIs, they lacked the ability to monitor ANYTHING. Zabbix, being the only …
We chose Nagios Core over Zabbix and Zenoss because it was easier to get up and running and configure than the other two products. They required network scanning for assets and then required you to enter every little detail about the host. With Nagios Core, we just entered our …
Unlike SL1 and IBM NOI, you do not need to buy licenses or pay for support. You can begin deployment immediately. You don't need to purchase expensive equipment or study confusing manufacturer's manuals. Zabbix can also be used freely, but it is not so common and you may need …
We selected Nagios because of the size of its community. We've used some of the others in the field over the past few years, Nagios had the best features out of the box coupled with it's following made it an easy selection.
Nagios was the best in the past and why I chose it for many of the companies I've worked for. Also, coming in to a company, there is almost always a Nagios server installed and since everyone knows the software it's easy to write plugins for it. But, in 2015, Nagios is a …
Zabbix was adopted in our framework due to the value, the hardware requirements, the knowledge we had available and the vast documentation on the internet.
Although we still use Cisco Prime for network devices, when comparing Zabbix with Nagios, for example, you see that Zabbix is more robust, stable, easy to deploy and has an enterprise focus that other tools don't have. Also, the fact that the Zabbix community is very active is …
Zabbix was much better at handling traditional systems, and in ease of customization, both in the system itself, and customizing data sources, such as adding deep MySQL or JMX integrations. It's very good for organizing large-scale (hundreds or thousands of servers) systems; …
I personally prefer Zabbix over any other monitoring software that I have ever tried. Zabbix is so customizable that if there is a feature I need, I can easily implement it. I can then add that feature to a template in no time and have it applied to hundreds, or even thousands, …
More extensive and customizable than SaaS solutions. Much less learning curve than Nagios. Cost is very much lower than SaaS monitoring especially at scales over 1000 hosts ($15,000/month for SaaS!!) Templating systems allows for easy management and monitoring of groups of …
Zabbix had the best support for the devices I initially had in my network, its ability to adapt and change has made it my Swiss Army knife of monitoring tools. While it could benefit greatly from a moderated zabbix community, its support from the open source community has …
Nagios has some advantages over Zabbix like "flapping" detection and multiple alert levels - Error, Warning and OK. However, the disadvantages of Nagios like needing an addon (NRPE) to monitor remote system internals (open files, running processes, memory, etc), no charting of …
Nagios will always be at or near the top, but I really like how sleek Zabbix is. Also, once it's up and running its really helps keep things in order for you and your customers. As for PandoraFMS, it would have beat out Zabbix, but the documentation on PandoraFMS is really …