Pigeon Messengr vs. Statuspage

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Pigeon Messengr
Score 8.6 out of 10
Based in New York City, Pigeon Messengr is a business communication platform that offers teams the flexibility to communicate their way. Pigeon Messengr provides businesses of all sizes with an integrated suite of communication tools to help streamline business communications. Employees can text, chat, set up video calls or voice calls, have private or group discussions, and more! The platform connects conversations across voice, video, and messages so you can pick up right where you…
per month
Score 7.2 out of 10
Atlassian Statuspage provides status updates for shared cloud resources to users, eliminating duplicate support tickets and displaying uptime status.
per month
Pigeon MessengrStatuspage
Editions & Modules
per user
per user
per user
per user
per month
per month
per month
per month
Pricing Offerings
Pigeon MessengrStatuspage
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
Additional DetailsPricing is per user per month. Contact Pigeon Messengr for more information on pricing for your team.—
More Pricing Information
Pigeon MessengrStatuspage
Comparison of Communication features of Product A and Product B
Pigeon Messengr
11 Ratings
14% above category average
3 Ratings
1% above category average
Chat9.811 Ratings10.01 Ratings
Notifications8.111 Ratings10.03 Ratings
Discussions9.710 Ratings2.01 Ratings
Internal knowledgebase00 Ratings9.01 Ratings
Integrates with Gmail and Google Hangouts00 Ratings9.01 Ratings
File Sharing & Management
Comparison of File Sharing & Management features of Product A and Product B
Pigeon Messengr
10 Ratings
1% above category average
2 Ratings
23% above category average
Video files8.010 Ratings00 Ratings
Audio files8.010 Ratings00 Ratings
Access control00 Ratings10.02 Ratings
Advanced security features00 Ratings10.01 Ratings
Project Management
Comparison of Project Management features of Product A and Product B
Pigeon Messengr
3 Ratings
17% above category average
Task Management00 Ratings9.01 Ratings
Scheduling00 Ratings10.02 Ratings
Workflow Automation00 Ratings8.02 Ratings
Mobile Access00 Ratings10.02 Ratings
Search00 Ratings9.02 Ratings
Visual planning tools00 Ratings9.02 Ratings
Best Alternatives
Pigeon MessengrStatuspage
Small Businesses
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Troop Messenger
Troop Messenger
Score 9.8 out of 10
Troop Messenger
Troop Messenger
Score 9.8 out of 10
HCL Connections
HCL Connections
Score 9.0 out of 10
HCL Connections
HCL Connections
Score 9.0 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
Pigeon MessengrStatuspage
Likelihood to Recommend
(11 ratings)
(3 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Support Rating
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Product Scalability
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
User Testimonials
Pigeon MessengrStatuspage
Likelihood to Recommend
Team Messengr
Pigeon Messengr functions well as a general communication tool. In my experience, the only area it is not well suited for is transferring documents with specialized file formats. I also am not aware of what its auditability is like, but we are using it so it must be there.
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StatusPage is well suited for notifications on services and products. If you need to have a passive way to notify users, internal staff, or executives on the status of SaaS services, StatusPage is a low barrier way to do this with minimal setup and maintenance. StatusPage is not well suited for scenarios in which you want info kept private. If StatusPage is updated, the subscribers to those alerts will be notified so you just want to make sure you're addressing the right audience with updates.
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Team Messengr
  • Notifications - I can minimize the window while I'm working and new messages will pop up on my screen so I don't have to remember to check the channel.
  • Statuses - we always put up a status of what we're working on, I like how you can hover over user names and it will show you their statuses.
  • Overall look - I don't know if my company chose the color scheme but it's really sharp. Also love that I can use Dark Mode, easier on my eyes for sure!
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  • Interface is very intuitive and easy to use with very little training.
  • Ability to customize messaging for events and notify before, during and after maintenance.
  • Integrations with app like Twitter and Slack.
  • Ability to automate all our maintenance notifications.
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Team Messengr
  • Sometimes a message will get broken up and I am unable to view it all at once.
  • It would be nice if it had a way to select a message as being unread. I like to leave messages unread as reminders but sometimes need to just read them first.
  • It won't allow me to upload a picture because it has to be of a very small size. Would be more personal if I could use a picture on my profile.
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  • I wish I had more ways to customize the layout.
  • I wish I could show custom date ranges when looking at historical up-time.
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Reliability and Availability
Team Messengr
I've never had it be not available.
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No answers on this topic
Team Messengr
Occasionally, files can take forever to upload and download, and the calendar integrations also don't work sometimes.
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Support Rating
Team Messengr
No answers on this topic
Support is very responsive although we haven't had to contact them in a time of emergency, all of our support inquiries were answered in a timely manner and usually resolved with their first response. Support responsiveness played a big role in our decision since if we need help during downtime, we can't really afford to wait.
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Alternatives Considered
Team Messengr
Pigeon Messengr has everything in one, although there are some things that could be improved, what product doesn't? I prefer it over some of the other platforms because it is more organized for our business needs and communications, and it has several updates a month to make sure everything is working properly.
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I would say StatusPage on its own is a great service. StatusPage for Hipchat can only be used with that specific chat client. But on its own StatusPage can be integrated with many tools, like Slack, email notifications, text notifications, etc. I don't know of a tool that compares with StatusPage. You could essentially host your own status site with Greed Yellow or Red statuses, but you would be missing out on the robustness of a tool that keeps historical data, uptime, and segregates services based on components.
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Team Messengr
I have not noticed any issues for a company of about 400 employees. I imagine the channel functionality would enable fairly unlimited scaling.
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Return on Investment
Team Messengr
  • Positive - less time wasted on emails
  • Positive - less expensive than having a chat tool and a video tool (and phones!)
  • Negative - sometimes tone is hard to convey in text, and this has led to a couple of misunderstandings
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  • Helps organize communication to our clients during an incident.
  • Demonstrates our level of transparency to prospects.
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